
It’s NOT just a Table

It’s NOT just a Table

It’s NOT just a Table

What is the business field of Lasprecious Design? 

Some of the customers/visitors thought:

  • Lasprecious Design is a Resin Artist / Specialist
  • Lasprecious Design is an Interior Designer
  • Lasprecious Design is a Furniture Maker

BUT, all of the above answers are just partly correct, then who exactly we are? What we want to do is a lot beyond the above field. Instead of giving the theoretical explanation, we preferred to share some of our real case scenarios as below:

1) Luxury + Natural themed

When your friends or relatives visit your home, naturally the first area to visit is your Living Room, imagine they are surprised and say: “WOW your table is so unique and looks like a real beach.” 

Yes, we are indirectly to make your home look more luxurious and natural-themed. 

2) Art + Furniture combination

Most people are thinking Art is just for display or decoration purposes, whereas Furniture is for functional purposes. But what if your furniture can be Functional as well as Art Décor purpose? Example:

i) Table – Served as a horizontal slab in front of your sofa, also acts as an Art Piece for your living room.

ii) Clock – Showing you the time, also acts as a wall art

iii) Lamp – Lighting your room, also acts as an adorable companion or decoration.

3) Scenery + Feeling sense

You are back home from work or enjoy your holiday, sitting on your sofa and listening to soft music, having a drink and looking at the Ocean Table, it’s just like you are having a beach vacation in your home, it’s can indirectly release your stress and make you feel comfortable. 

This is what we wish to achieve, by creating a scenery/environment to improve your daily emotion.

In short, this is also how our name derived from:

Luxury + Natural themed

Art + Furniture combination

Scenery + Feeling sense



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